The Paris Agreement, which was the outcome of COP 21 held in Paris in 2015, is a landmark agreement in the fight against climate change. The agreement was signed by 195 countries, with the aim of keeping global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding agreement that has several major objectives. These include:

1. Mitigation: The Paris Agreement aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Each country pledged to reduce their own emissions by a specific amount.

2. Adaptation: The Paris Agreement recognizes that climate change is already happening and countries need to adapt to its impacts. The agreement also aims to enhance the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change.

3. Finance: The Paris Agreement recognizes the need for developed countries to provide financial support to developing countries to facilitate their transition to low-emissions and climate-resilient economies.

4. Transparency: The Paris Agreement recognizes the importance of transparency in implementing the agreement. Countries are required to regularly report on their progress in reducing their emissions.

5. Global Stocktake: The Paris Agreement established a process for regularly reviewing progress towards achieving the agreement`s goals. This process is called the Global Stocktake and takes place every five years.

The Paris Agreement also includes several articles that are of particular importance. Article 2 sets out the agreement`s temperature goal. Article 4 sets out the mitigation pledge for each country. Article 6 establishes a mechanism for international cooperation on emissions trading. Article 7 recognizes the importance of adaptation and establishes a process for enhancing adaptation efforts. Article 9 recognizes the need for developed countries to provide financial support to developing countries and establishes a process for the provision of this support.

In conclusion, the Paris Agreement is a landmark agreement in the fight against climate change. The agreement sets out a clear and ambitious goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and recognizes the importance of adaptation, finance, and transparency. The Paris Agreement is a key instrument in achieving a sustainable and prosperous future for all.